Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Awana clubs kick off tonight at 6:30! We're planning some exciting stuff for your kids so don't be late. Also don't forget that during Awana we have a parenting class for any moms and dads who wish to stick around and learn some great tools for raising spiritual champions. Drop in and pick up some good stuff. Meet some new people and make some new friends who are probably struggling through some of the same trials you are as you do the best you can for your children.
KID VID VETO begins this BGMC Sunday! Don't forget that this Sunday is BGMC Sunday and we begin our Kid Video Veto Fundraiser. So if your kids are participating in helping us reach our $3,200 goal for this year, they need to get all their TV watching and video game playing out of their systems this weekend! Also, remind them to keep getting those sponsors so that all their sacrifice is worth it. The more sponsors they get, the more their sacrifice will pay off for missions. Moms and Dads, you might consider taking those sponsor sheets to work and telling your co-workers what your child is doing. They will be amazed that a kid can actually survive without visual media for 28 days and pledge big bucks to support them!
And of course, remind your kids to bring those Buddy Barrels filled to the rim!
2010 Homebase Family Olympics this Saturday from 1pm to 3pm! We have about 75 people signed up for our Family Olympics. There are still a few families that haven't paid, but you can just bring your $5 with you Saturday. We're looking forward to a great time fellowshipping with your family and having some laughs over friendly competition. If you want to make the event more fun and memorable for your kids, consider being creative in your clothes choices when you come. Maybe have everone in your family wear the same similar colors or get hats that match or wear homemade sandwich boards over your heads that match or other things like that. The first thing we will be doing Saturday is creating Family Team Flags so you can make the flags match what you dress like. (However, you will not be allowed to use stuff from home to decorate your flag. That would give unfair advantages, of course.) But whatever you want to do to pump up your family's team spirit, we support otherwise!

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