Thursday, August 26, 2010

Outback Adventure Lesson 4: Creation Day 4 - Heavenly Bodies

For our 4th lesson on Creation this weekend, we'll be looking at Day 4 when God created the Heavenly Bodies and teaching the kids how fragile and unique our planet is. The chances that so many cosmic factors could randomly fall into place creating an environment that would support complex life-forms is so infintesmal as to be, practically speaking, impossible, even with a vast, unending universe! Join the History Hunters for another exciting lesson through the earliest days of history this weekend!

IMPORTANT NOTE: This week's lesson calls for us to turn out the lights and then light candles to represent the star light in the universe, having each child hold a candle. We don't really think that's a great idea with kids, so to illustrate the point we're encouraging every child to come with a cell phone this weekend instead. If you can allow your child to bring your cell phone this weekend to kids church, we'll use them to show the starlight around the darkened room instead. The more kids bring one, the neater will be the effect. Thanks, moms and dads!

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