Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Remind your kids to get sponsors for their 25 day fast for BGMC!  We begin on Sunday and go through Thanksgiving!  If your kids don’t drink soda, that’s fine.  Have them fast some other treat that they take in regularly for those 25 days and ask people to sponsor them per day.  If your child REALLY struggles or doesn’t fully understand why we do this, get friends and family to sponsor them by the HOUR and only do it for a day or a week.  Feel free to adapt this fundraiser to your child.  In fact, if you let me know in advance what your child is fasting (within reason), and if they bring in at least $50 through sponsors, I will do my best to purchase that item (in a small amount) for them at the end of the 25 days and give it to them instead of a soda.  For instance, if your child fasts cookies for the 25 days, I will buy them a big cookie or a small pack of cookies as their reward!  But please let me know soon.  Those who do the soda will receive a free can of soda at the end, of course.  Awards will be given out at our big Family Thanksgiving service on November 27th or the following Sunday.

(For the record, we have only raised a little over $100.00 this year and our year ends with the school year!  We really need the kids to step up to these challenges if we’re going to have any chance of making our goal of $1000.00.  If just 10 of our kids got 4 sponsors for $1 a day over the 25 days we would reach our goal with just this one fundraiser!  Encourage them to put a little work into it.  It’s important to teach our kids to work for something greater than themselves and to sacrifice for others.)

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